More Appointments

Not too much to update on this week. We had another ultrasound and appointment at McMaster. Baby is moving and growing well. One thing that is a bit concerning is there is some fluid around the baby’s heart. I have a fetal echocardiogram (a detailed ultrasound of the baby’s heart) in a week though, so I’m glad that’s really soon. Baby is breech too, but it’s too early in the pregnancy for the doctor to be worried about that.

We did ask about what the delivery plan will be – e.g. will I be induced early? C-section? As long as things are “normal”, we don’t necessarily have to have a C-section. I will probably be induced before 40 weeks though, to make sure I deliver at McMaster. But I guess those decisions get made closer to the due date.

As we get closer to the baby’s due date, we should be getting more excited but instead it gets harder. For now, baby is safe because her lungs don’t have to work on their own. It's not until after she's born that we'll know just how small her lungs are and how she'll do. We’re just trying to take it one day at a time.
